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Reference letter training

Reference letters (processing, analytics, wording)


Nowadays, drafting reference letters is a routine job for HR staff. However, the challenge here is to create a reference letter which is, on the one hand, legally compliant, and is, at the same time, adapted to the individual employee. A reference letter also serves as the “business card” of the company.


Goal and content:


With our training we would like to familiarize HR department staff with the topic of reference letters and develop specific guidance for their daily work.


Potential training contents:




In close cooperation with you, we will develop a target-oriented roadmap regarding approach and a time-efficient process, covering everything from the employee’s request for a reference letter to its final handover.


Contents and individual elements


  • How to use the introduction of the company as a “business card”

  • How to use the right language when creating role and responsibility descriptions

  • How to choose the right wording for performance and conduct, with or without generator, and individually adapt it to each employee

  • How to express gratitude, regret and individual wishes for the future

  • How to phrase reasons for dismissal

  • How to correctly interpret hidden clues


A brief digression on labor law issues

Who is entitled to a reference letter?

How many pages should a reference letter have?

What if the employee wants to sue?


Training duration depends on your individual content requirements, which we will discuss with you beforehand. As a rule, 1 to 2 training days will suffice. The training will take place in-house in your company.

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